Hundreds turned out Thursday at Charlottesville High School for an IMPACT action assembly to demand action on affordable housing.
IMPACT is a local organization dedicated to helping residents affected by a systemic injustice.
IMPACT board member Sheila Herlihy says they’ve been after the city and county for years to address the problem of affordable housing:
“I do struggle with the fact that county officials have been years with us asking and asking, and not being able to get concrete real steps out of it. I believe we can do better. I know we have to do better.”
At the meeting, Charlottesville council members Kathy Galvin, Heather Hill, and Interim City Manager, Mike Murphy committed to designated funding for housing and zoning for more affordable homes in all neighborhoods, while Albemarle County supervisors, Normal Dill, and Ned Gallaway committed their support for building affordable housing for seniors.
Herlihy said she hopes more city and county officials will step up and make affordable housing happen.